Gold Pass
Throughout the season, progress your way through the Gold Pass rewards, including Hero skins and progression boosts plus an upgrade to your Season Bank levels.

Exclusive Hero Skins
Each season, if you play long enough, you will be able to earn an exclusive skin for a hero. These skins are exclusive and only available through the Gold Pass.

Magical Items
Magic items are cool… but do you know what’s more cool? MORE MAGIC ITEMS! Unlock a boatload of Magic Items with the Gold Pass: books, rings, stones…

Build faster, train faster and research faster! The perks available through Gold Pass include: 1 Gem donation, 20% builder boost, 20% research boost and 20% training boost.

Bigger Season Bank
Grow your Season Bank to get even fatter loot when the Season ends. With the Gold Pass the Season Bank can hold a lot more gold, elixir and dark elixir! Grow your season bank to 30.000.000 Gold, 30.000.000 Elixir and 300.000 dark elixir.
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